This collection of blog posts has been curated in memory of Randy Proven.
Pandemic’s Affect on High-Performance Building Materials
Though the price of dimensional lumber has started to decrease to pre-pandemic levels we are still dealing with exceptionally high pricing of key materials used in high-performance building applications. Based on an analysis of our material costs from mid 2019 to early 2023 we have noted the following changes: Given the pandemic’s affect on materials…
The Fallacy of Endless Growth
Sun Certified started out as a group of family members that wanted to shake up the building industry to improve the energy performance of both residential and commercial buildings. As individuals we all share the viewpoint that our current way of life is not sustainable and without drastic changes to how we operate as a…
The War on Carbon Emissions
We have scientific evidence which shows that if we allow a 2° C average rise in global temperature we will likely face catastrophic climate change. The Paris Agreement calls for a 1.5° C limit to warming. Our governments are planning for a 3° C rise in temperature. This is untenable. If we have any hope…