passive house

  • Energy Efficiency and Mortgages

    Anybody that has ever applied for a mortgage knows about the “debt to service ratio”. It’s a calculation that determines whether you can afford make your mortgage payments based on the total cost of building ownership (tcbo). A lower tcbo means that you can afford to spend more on your mortgage. As a potential homeowner,…

  • Infill Housing Strategy

    Randy and Garry attended an information meeting hosted by the City of Winnipeg who are consulting the public about establishing a Residential Infill Strategy for new housing. Front line city planners were in attendance and they wanted the public to fill in a “Have Your Say” survey card with 4 yes or no questions and…

  • The Case for Dry Sealed Attic Spaces

    We have been discussing the problems associated with the current accepted practice of attic venting.  The following sections summarizes the science of sealed roof/attic spaces in order to ensure that moisture does not enter the roof/attic spaces. This is what the code says. “…Except where it can be shown to be unnecessary, where insulation is…

  • Why Geo Thermal?

    The Rant for today is directed at Manitoba Hydro and the Manitoba government.  What is the objective of the cash grant and hydro loan for geo thermal systems? Why single out geo thermal when there are better solutions. Is it to reduce energy consumption? Is it to subsidize the HVAC industry?  What difference does it…

  • Hurdles to energy efficiency in commercial construction

    We have attended several trade meetings/training this year (CanPHI west, Manitoba Green Building Council, Passive House Design course) and have come to the conclusion that there are some glaring issues with the way we build commercial buildings. Starting with the design process, local jurisdictions seem overly cautious to allow out of the box design for…